Churnet Valley Vets Pet Club
Chester Slack was more than happy to have his photo
taken, unlike his sister Poppy who was far too
busy to pose.. |
Tilly Miller is a cute 4 month old chihuahua
Fergie Peake is SO cuddleable!
I love my new hat, what do you think?
Alfie Mellor is showing off this year's Autumn fashion
Beautiful Charlie Rylands with his equally lovely new
What's new pussycat? Mitzi Lovatt visiting us for
his vaccinations
Rico Lockett is SO cute..
Sidney Woods is a beautiful tabby sealpoint British
Shorthair kitten
"No, my name's not Dumbo, I'm Palla Kinson, a beautiful
corgi pup!"
"I just need to go home to sleep..." Ozzie Whitehouse
after his vaccination
Aah! Jake Sherratt is an ADORABLE sprocker pup -
that is a cross between a cocker and a springer for
those of you not in the know!
Ruby Sandbrook loves coming to see us at the vets - she
gets treated like the celebrity she knows she is!
Can I help you Kofi?
Rub a dub dub, two pups in a tub! r carrier
- it wouldn't work for cats though...
Walnut is a 25 year old spur thighed tortoise - we don't
see many of those these days!
Megan Smith has a very famous granddaddy - Reuben
Hagrid's Fang in Harry Potter!
They say the camera never lies, but, honestly, we are
not strangling Louis Mawby! She is a beautiful 12
week old blue mitted ragdoll. |
Bert Pyatt was a very brave boy when he visited us for a
microchip and realised that the needle is as big as him!
Pete (yes, Pete, that's the dog) may look like your
average terrier cross, but no - he's actually a rare
breed called a Plummer terrier. The breed is supposed to
be the ultimate ratter - developed by Brian Plummer in
the 50s. They are mainly Jack Russell with a dash of
beagle and bull terrier, and a touch of fell terrier to
give them the red colour. Pete looks like the ultimate
killing machine doesn't he?
Rio Barlow is a corgi champ and such a handsome
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