Churnet Valley Vets Pet Club
Hannah and Foxy, no prizes for guessing which is which! |
Maisie has been very brave, she's only 6 months old and
has had to have her cruciate repaired - get well soon
Maisie!! |
We all love Ruby... |
Ricki is a very handsome rough collie |
Bella the lurcher doing her innocent hang dog impression
- don't be fooled! |
This little border terrier is colour coordinated with
his owner! |
Coco the labrador is so handsome
Sian the French bulldog - ooh la la!
Isabelle so proud of her new puppy Jasper - the smile
tells it all...
Tasha Kelsall is so stunning...
I love 4 month old rottie Bruno!!
Lady is an 18 month old collie cross, love the ears
Lady! |
Ali is an 8 year old border collie - what a beautiful
photo! |
Maisie Biswas passed her Kennel Club Puppy Foundation -
we, at Churnet Vets, are all very proud of our star
pet!! |
Millie Powell wants to know what we're looking at! |
Milly Bowyer is a bundle of fluff, aka 8 week old shih
tzu |
Stanley is an adorable six and a half week pointer |
Charlie Tunnicliffe is one handsome fellow |
Young Maisie Biswas loved her first encounter with
snow!! |
Headnurse Dawn took poorly cat Tilly Gilman home with
her over the weekend to monitor her drip - Dawn's
daughters, Isabelle and Scarlett were transfixed all
weekend. After such brilliant care Tilly went home
feeling a lot better |
Dollar McGraw has obviously been practising that pose in
front of a mirror - hoping for a career on the catwalk (dogwalk?) |
Wriggly Liger and Narla Bateman, anyone who thinks they
could take a better photo clearly hasn't tried
photographing two kittens!
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