Churnet Valley Vets Pet Club
Double Trouble, Charlie and Mac Hall
Sidney, his sister and mum enjoying a siesta after a
hard day's work |
Saffron Fry is an old girl, but she has a new young
housemate to keep her on her toes! |
Louis Mawby is sooo cute! |
Daisy is an 8 week old Cavapoo - I want one!! |
Louis is such a beautiful ragdoll - he left the vets
slightly lighter than he arrived, but we're not talking
about that... |
Sally is with foster parents whilst she waits for her
forever home from Greenfields Greyhound Rescue |
This is not what Gizmo Barker had planned for today! |
Churnet Vets new guarddog? Be afraid, be very
afraid! |
There are no shortage of cuddles for Missy in the
Carding household! |
Young Stanley enjoyed his visit to the surgery - he met
Lego the Greyhound whose head was bigger than the whole
of him! His little tail was wagging like mad!! |
Sooty Pedley has been a poorly boy, but he's well on the
mend now.. |
Dudley Harrison suits his name - Cuddly Dudley! |
Whoa! Meet Rambo, all 74kg of him (that's 11 and a
half stone to you and me) |
How beautiful is she? Young Ella visiting for her
vaccinations |
George Lymer is new brother for Milo, the Great Dane x
Golden Retriever - no prizes for guessing who will be
boss (clue, it won't be Milo)
Milo Lymer is a cross Great Dane and Golden Retriever,
he gets the size gene from the Great Dane by the looks
of his paws! Absolutely adorable! |
Maisie Biswas has been sent to torment poor Archie, but
he loves it really! |
Sprocker, Leo Cartlidge, is not impressed with the
papparazzi! |
Beautiful Lily the Yorkie with her equally beautiful pal
Libby |
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